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HIGHLAND GAMES BRESSUIRE, le blog français-anglais d'Alain Cadu
28 janvier 2017

1996-2017 in Bressuire: a Highland Games story

The IHGF European Championships will take place in Bressuire on June 10 and 11. And the Highland Games have already had a long story at the famous château where they will celebrate their 21th anniversary.

But the times they're a-changing with two new co-presidents: Alain ROUSSELOT et Jean-Claude BORDONNAT are now in charge of the Games in Bressuire after Jean-Louis COPPET stepped out last year.

20363-160316143700950-0028796989546831380678But the Games will go on and the blog will keep you informed about the venue and the line-up as soon as we get more information.

And, of course, the sooner, the better!

Once upon a time: the Heavies in Bressuire

Ready, steady, Go...

Ready, Steady, Throw....

Here is the story of the Bressuire Highland Games

In French and in English!

June 1996:

chateau hélico presto


Démonstration de Highland Games au château pour les 5 ans du jumelage Bressuire / Fraserburgh.

First show in Bressuire, France for the 5th anniversary of the twinning with Fraserburg, Scotland.

A very successful experience for Jean-Louis COPPET, the French president, and his team

Le coup d’essai va devenir un coup de maître.

A first step before the Highland Games in Bressuire



July 2001

Francis1.000 spectateurs au Château pour la démonstration de Francis BREBNER, sept fois champion du monde de lancer de tronc d’arbre.

Francis Brebner, seven times world champion, tosses the caber in front of 1.000 spectators!

Bressuire est prêt pour l'organisation de Highland Games

For the Highland Games in Bressuire: Ready, Steady, Throw...

Wait and see

Il reste deux ans à attendre.

Two more years and that'll be the day....

Bressuire en Bocage va devenir Bressuire sur Highland (diaporama)

Welcome in Bressuire upon Highland (slideshow)


June 28-29 2003

Premiers championnats de Highland Games in Bressuire à Bressuire.

Wout ZIJLSTRA opens the Games and wins them

Wout Ziljstra from the Netherlands opens and wins the first Championship in Bressuire.

2003 1   2003 5


 June 25-26 2005 :

Concours open avec 8 lanceurs européens dont le champion du monde Bruce AITKEN.

Eight European throwers in the line-up including world Champion Bruce AITKEN (third from the left)

2005 7

2 vainqueurs ex-aequo sur le podium :  Wout ZIJLSTRA (en photo après le lancer de bouchon Bouvet-Ladubay) et le jeune Gregor EDMUNDS (ECOSSE) âgé de 27 ans. Bruce AITKEN finit troisième.

A tied victory : Wout Zijlstra again and Gregor Edmunds from Scotland on the victory stand with Bruce Aitken third.

Wout remporte le premier lancer de bouchon, épreuve exclusivement bressuiraise avec le lancer de fût Coreff en hauteur

Wout is the first winner of the new Bressuire event: tossing the cork for distance

2005 11  2005 10     


9-10 June 2007 :

Concours avec 5 européens dont le champion du monde 2007 Gregor EDMUNDS face au quintuple champion du monde, l’américain Ryan VIERRA .

               07 8

Third edition of the Bressuire Highland Games with five European champions and the American Ryan VIERRA, five times world champion

 A homemade slideshow by Alain Cadu with all the champions, the pipers, the dancers and the Bressuire choir

07 1Au terme d’un concours âprement disputé Ryan VIERRA et Gregor EDMUNDS terminent à égalité de points devant Wout ZILJSTRA.

A tied victory again:

Ryan Vierra and Gregor Edmunds with Wout number three


4 July 2008 

Démonstration de Highland Games au stade Métayer lors du meeting d’athlétisme Robert Bobin.

Scott RIDER établit le record du lancer de bouchon Bouvet-Ladubay à 10m10

Another Highland Games exhibition in Bressuire and a "world" record for Scott Rider


13-14 June 2009 :

Championnats d’Europe au château. The European Championships take place at the old Castle.09 11  09 14

Victoire de Gregor EDMUNDS, l’écossais, devant Hans LOLKELMA des Pays-bas et la révélation Craig SINCLAIR.

And the winner is... Gregor EDMUNDS from Scotland. The silver for Hans LOLKEMA and the bronze for Craig SINCLAIR

09 10  09 3

 Retrouvez tous les engagés de 2009 d'un clic:


12-13 June 2010 :

World Series avec le gratin des Highland Games. The crème de la crème in Bressuire

Larry BROCK, USA; Sean BETZ, USA;  Ryan VIERRA, USA; Greg HADLEY, Canada; Hans LOLKEMA, Pays-Bas; Aaron NEIGHBOUR, Australie; Craig SINCLAIR, Ecosse;Scott RIDER, Angleterre; Peter GODMUNDSON, Islande

10 5All the best throwers of the world compete in Bressuire

Scott RIDERL'américain Sean BETZ, simply the best à BressuireSean BETZ (à droite) remporte les Highland Games 2010

Scott RIDER (à gauche )devient à Bressuire champion du monde 2010 du lancer de pierre

And the winner of the Bressuire Highland Games is....

Sean BETZ (on the right)

And the World Champion for the stone is...

Scott RIDER (on the left)









9 - 10 June 2012

Championnat d'Europe par équipes avec tous les champions européens répartis en 6 équipes.

10 nationalités représentées: France, Hollande, Hongrie, Allemagne, Finlande, Irlande, Lettonie, Estonie, Autriche et Ecosse.

The European Championships by team will take place on June 9 and 10 in Bressuire with 12 champions coming from 12 nations.


Just a click to know all the records (World, France,Bressuire)



The Bressuire Highland Games in video or slideshow


June, 7 2013

Les championnats du monde 2015 à Bressuire, The 2015 world championships in France

S8Bressuire 1, San Francisco 0 : Bressuire has won the final vote. Victoire en finale de Bressuire contre San Francisco

The official signature with Ryan VIERRA, Francis BREBNER, president of the International Federation, Jean-Michel BERNIER, Bressuire's mayor and Jean-Louis COPPET, the French President.

This will be the place in June 2015


June 8 and 9, 2013

European Championships, Championnat d'Europe and Strong Men

Highland Games Bressuire 2013: Jonathan KELLY au porté de pierres

Jonathan KELLY, the Stongest man in video

Bressuire Highland Games: le film du championnat 2013

STRONG MEN: Congrats to Sebastian WENTA (Truck pulling) and Jonathan KELLY(Stone Hoisting)

IMG_0461 (533x800)    IMG_0404 (533x800)

Highland Games 2013: And the winners are...

A tied victory in the Professionnal Competition Between Seb WENTA, Poland and Scott RIDER, England (both on the left)

Jimmy Van de Walle wins the amateur competition

IMG_2712More about the competition: Just a link "The competition seen by the IHGF"


2014: Un peu de repos, Just a break before 2015

Take it easy! Cool, Raoul!

Just enjoy reading the blog.

On est déjà dans les starting-blogs...

But Bressuire sera fin prêt. Bressuire will be ready.

A bientôt! See you soon!

fresque Bressuire St Jo

13, 14 June 2015:


13 et 14 Juin: On y est. Bressuire organise ses premiers championnats du monde

June 13 and 14: here we are! The first IHGF Worlds take place in Bressuire

IMG_3070 (1277x1280)

Dan McKIM, USA, champion du monde.

A new IHGF World title for Dan Mc KIM, USA

December 5, 2015

100.000 visiteurs pour le blog, 100.000 visitors  for the blog

Thanks, everybody!

cead 2

Cead Mile Failte!

Cent Mille bienvenues!

One hundred thousand Welcomes!

Thanks everybody!

Merci à tous!


Alain photo solo


Merci à tous les photographes et à tous les contributeurs de Highland Games France!

Thanks to all the contributors and photographers!

Ils ont été des acteurs essentiels!

I'm very grateful!


 Alain CADU



HIGHLAND GAMES BRESSUIRE, le blog français-anglais d'Alain Cadu
  • Highland Games, ça lance et ça balance! Bressuire, France: the place to be in June 2024 for our IHGF Highland Games. Caber, hammer, stone and weight: Ready, steady, throw! Marteau, pierre, tronc et poids:A vos marques, prêts, lancez
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